September 21, 2021
Sculptor and Bonderman Fellow George Rodriguez Explores Stories of Identity and Humanity Through His Art

“So much imagery bridges cultures without even trying.” 2009 Bonderman Fellow George Rodriguez enjoys the uncertainty and possibilities inherent in sculpting in clay. He explores identity, culture and community with his work, and has found inspiration from his travels to countries such as Thailand, Peru and China. His latest work is part of a collaborative…
November 10, 2020
Channing Nesbitt Looks Forward to Global Adventure

…”it will be a reformative time of life. I plan to come back very different from when I leave.” Former Husky baseball player and recent graduate of the Evans School of Public Policy, Channing Nesbitt discussed his application and plans for his Bonderman journey with UW Student Athlete Academic Services. Read the article here.
November 5, 2020
Katie Hearther’s Future Adventure

“I want this journey to strengthen me mentally and expand my worldview beyond the narrow focus I currently have…For future applicants, I highly recommend you do some soul searching as to why you want to undertake this experience.” Katie Hearther, a 2020 Bonderman Fellow, discussed her Bonderman application and travel plan with her friend Lauren…
January 30, 2020
Colleen Kimsey’s Bonderman Travel Reflections

Colleen Kimsey completed the Bonderman Fellowship with a trek in Nepal this September. Colleen reflected on the Bonderman experience in an interview with the Department of Health Services recently. Read the article here.
February 15, 2019
Natalie Gasca — A Biostatistician Travels the World

Natalie Gasca, a PhD student in Biostatistics, discusses the transformative experience of the Bonderman Fellowship and how it has impacted her perspective on health and well-being and her future aspirations. Read the story.