Bonderman Travel Fellowship

Hailee Herbst

Photo of Hailee Herbst

Biology: Molecular, Cellular & Developmental with Interdisciplinary Honors


2017 Fellows

Hometown: Spokane Valley, WA

Travel Locations: Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, New Zealand, Peru, Chile, Argentina

Hailee plans to travel to Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, New Zealand, Peru, Chile, and Argentina. Throughout all of these countries, she hopes to explore the ways religion is intertwined into each country’s way of living. Hailee will spend time visiting ancient religious monuments and ruins while also exploring modern religious practices in new and foreign places. She’s also excited to examine various national parks and wildlife reserves in each country, hoping to see how nature has been preserved and incorporated into the foundation of a nation. She wants to see how beautiful spaces can be preserved while simultaneously enjoyed by humans. Hailee is excited to have time to journal, reflect, and expand her worldview throughout her travels.