Bonderman Travel Fellowship

Mason Clugston

Photo of Mason Clugston

Bioengineering with College Honors


2020 Fellows

Hometown: Corrales, NM

Travel Locations: Central and South America, Southeast Asia

Mason is excited to explore his passion for insects and other arthropods, which he gained growing up in beautiful New Mexico. He is interested in learning about how biodiverse places are contested for economic, cultural, and agricultural reasons, and how communities and ecosystems are adapting to these tensions. He is also excited to explore international craft work and to get to know craftspeople wherever he goes. All the while, Mason hopes to push his comfort zone, eat good food, and expand his world view. He is currently planning on traveling through Central and South America, and Southeast Asia.

Alumni Reflections

How did the Bonderman impact your life?

“It is too early to tell all the ways that this journey will impact me and how it may help steer my life… What I do know is that it has given me confidence in myself, gratitude for my country along with a desire to make it better for everyone, and a deep love for humanity. Those three simple things are each life changing.”