Robert Thadeus Sternberg
Environmental Science & Resource Management with Departmental Honors
Quantitative Science
2019 Fellows
Hometown: Newbury, NH
Travel Locations: China, Nepal, Vietnam, Laos, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Madagascar, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Papua New Guinea
Thadeus plans to explore how people around the world rely on their natural spaces and resources, and how environmental protection laws may differ among countries. He also wants to see how a combination of government, citizens, and indigenous people manage these unique and often imperiled places. Thadeus developed his knowledge of the United States’ laws regarding land use, park systems, and endangered species through studies in resource management and wildlife conservation. He believes that with a greater understanding of other countries laws, or lack thereof, he will gain a better understanding of non-westernized laws and perspectives in his field. He hopes to visit countries with unique ecosystems including China, Nepal, Vietnam, Laos, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Madagascar, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, and Papua New Guinea.