Bonderman Travel Fellowship

Sam Sudar

Photo of Sam Sudar

English; Philosophy; Neuroscience with Departmental Honors


2009 Fellows

Hometown: Longview, WA

Travel Locations: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Australia, Japan, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, China

Sudar will travel north to south in South America, starting in Caracas and ending in Puntas Arenas. He’ll then travel south to north in Asia, starting in Singapore and traveling to Mount Tai in China, ancient home of the poet Cold Mountain. Sudar, who has never traveled outside the United States before, is also a 2009 Gates-Cambridge Scholar, and will be entering Cambridge after he returns from his journey.

Alumni Reflections

How did the Bonderman impact your life?

“It opened up the world to me. After the trip I feel confident going anywhere in the world.”

What are you doing now?

“I work for an independent publishing platform.”
Photo of Sam Sudar at Huayang Cave in China during his Bonderman

Sam Sudar at Huayang Cave in China during his Bonderman