Shayla Chatto

Education: Curriculum & Instruction
2024 Fellows
Hometown: Jones Ranch, New Mexico
Travel Locations: Ecuador, Argentina, South Africa, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan
As a Diné and N’dee woman, Shayla brings with her an Indigenous worldview and anticolonial perspective on her journeys across Abya Yala, Southeast Asia, and Africa. An integral aspect of her journey is the ways in which we build reciprocal relationships with Iand, with the more-than-human relatives, and with the Indigenous peoples who call this place home, while recognizing the ongoing colonial harms and survivance. Also, Shayla aspires to embody the solo travel and foraging abilities of woláchíí (an ant) with a central focus on land-based teachings, such as textile weaving, food sovereignty, land rematriation, and language/culture revitalization efforts.